Broadband Efficient Macro-modeling Program (BEMP) is a macro-modeling tool that converts tabulated frequency domain data into a pole-zero model or a spice subcircuit. This tool was developed under the NEOCAD program that was funded by DARPA.

The input to BEMP is a touchstone file. A user manual for BEMP is included in the download. The following hardware requirements are recommended for using BEMP:
       - 18 MB RAM or more
       - 25.7MB free space on hard disk
       - Windows 95 or later operating system

The mathematical details of BEMP are described in the book “Power Integrity Modeling and Design for Semiconductors and Systems” by Madhavan Swaminathan and A. Ege Engin, ISBN: 0_13_615206_6, Prentice Hall, 2007.

Examples from the Book
The example in Figure 4-10 of the book is the file: Powerplane.S1P
The example in Figure 4-12 of the book is the file: W4_HSPICE.S4P
The spice sub-circuit implementation in BEMP is based on Figure 4-28 of the book.

Other Examples
More examples and details of BEMP are available from here
Page 121 - Test Case 2: Four Port transmission line data from measurement : R_TL.S4P
Page 136 – Test Case 5: Fourteen-port power distribution network for INC Board : TMM_PRC.S14P
Page 140 – Test Case 6: 32 bit Bus from HRl : HRL_BUS.S32P

Issues to Note
1. BEMP only accept capital letters in the line "# HZ ...." in Touchstone files.
2. BEMP cannot accept DC (0) frequency, which can be solved by changing DC to 0.00000000001 (very small value) Hz.

Download BEMP and execute on your computer.